Pussy Power is giving birth without any drugs – even though you finally asked for some, but by that time it was too late.
Pussy Power is knowing how to make yourself cum.
Pussy Power is being able to smile your way out of a speeding ticket without feeling guilty about it.
Pussy Power is having the nerve to say no when you need to, and not worrying about whether or not people think you’re a bitch.
Pussy Power is being proud that you have a pussy – and not a dick.
Pussy Power is understanding that you can accomplish all of the same things as someone with a dick – and possibly even do them better!
Pussy Power is taking responsibility for your actions – good or bad.
Pussy Power is being part of a sisterhood that stretches across generations, ethnicities, and cultures.
Pussy Power is owning your femininity and not feeling ashamed about having a pussy – they’re pretty.
Pussy Power is loving your body with all of its flaws.
Pussy Power is being soft when it’s time to be soft and tough when it’s time to be tough.
Pussy Power is about trusting your gut instincts.
Pussy Power is following your soul’s dreams even when people think you’re crazy.
And finally – Pussy Power is owning the power of pussy that is our beautiful power to own!
I have a pussy. It’s mine I say! They’re known by so many names. It could be cunt, or twat or taco pie. But I like pussy and here is why… Pussies purr when they are happy. They hiss when they are pissed. Pussies go just where they want, and they always like a lick!
*Note - I wrote this piece not long after my divorce. I would read it at open mic night and had a group of girls that called me the "Pussy Power lady." I was at a business lunch once and they walked by me and said "Hey! It's the pussy power lady! We love you pussy power lady!" I of course acted like I had no fucking idea what they were talking about and made the excuse that they must have had me confused with some other random brunette!

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